Sunday, January 3, 2010

Magazine Publishing Business What Is The Cost For A Company To Advertise In A Business Magazine Or To Publish Articles ?

What is the cost for a company to advertise in a business magazine or to publish articles ? - magazine publishing business

As mentioned elsewhere, varies from store to store. Depends on the size of the ad and if you held a series of ads.

We were negotiating with a monthly magazine to win the top quarter of one year from £ 125 to + VAT per month. Another was the best of £ 200 + VAT.

Getting editorial coverage is more difficult. You need a story of interest to readers of the publication. If you are a regular customer, can help you in writing. In general, it's free.

There are some publications that can be printed your article for a fee. They treat all articles, advertisements and everyone pays for the articles they publish.

If you by advertising in magazines, make sure it is very focused on your market. Public May, it cost much to earn, there is very low, if at all.

Good luck!


salbi9 said...

the cost of advertising varies in all types of media, if you use a website better for you to advertise and publish articles in different directories, so you gain a lot of links, but know I must go back, how to get the same item on the use and time again that it reflects negatively on the index, based on the price, you can hire a writer of the article ($ 7 - $ 10/Article) and you can even hire someone, a publication that approximately $ 10 cost of 100 articles Contribution

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